
DD Network Public Forums (Baton Rouge)

February 20, 2020
11:00 AM
EBR Main Library
7711 Goodwood Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Get Directions
December 19, 2019

The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council is seeking the public's input for its next Five-Year Plan. This plan will consist of Goals, Objectives, and Implementation Strategies to guide the Council's advocacy, capacity building, and systems change activities for Federal Fiscal Years 2022 - 2026.

Individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend and participate in two Public Forums (Baton Rouge and Shreveport) being hosted by the Council in collaboration with our Network Partners, the Advocacy Center/Disability Rights Louisiana and LSU Health Sciences Center - Human Development Center. Whether it be individually or collaboratively, the Network Partners can address topics that affect the developmental disability community in the following subject matters: Quality Assurance, Health, Housing, Community Supports, Education and Early Intervention, Child Care, Employment, Transportation, and Recreation.
Please join us to share your thoughts on how we can move Louisiana forward by ensuring all individuals with developmental disabilities are integrated and included in all facets of community life. A light lunch will be provided for registered participants. Registration for both of these events will remain open until February 10, 2020. Please click below on the title of the forum you wish to attend in order to register.