
How to Support Healthy Relationships for People w I/DD (Webinar for Parents/Caregivers/Professionals

March 12, 2021
9:00 AM
Access to accurate information healthy relationships and physical intimacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is lacking in today's society. Many family members and caregivers struggle with discussing the topic of relationships, intimacy, sexuality and safety and also with how to present the information in a way that the person with developmental disability will understand. Further information to assist caregivers on providing this education to those they care for is also limited. Availability of trainings or high costs of healthy relationship curricula prevent caregivers, schools or other agencies from providing the education themselves. The importance of this type of training for caregivers is undeniable as people with I/DD are 4 to 7 times more likely to experience sexual assault than people without disabilities. A lack of access to accurate information contributes to the likelihood that people with I/DD may experience abuse and/or exploitation. In an effort to better prepare people with I/DD fore healthy relationships is a must! Thus, it is necessary to empower caregivers so they can empower those they care about. This will be an open and honest discussion about sexuality and supporting your family member or the person you support to feel safe.