
Self-Direction Worskhop (Bastrop)

April 12, 2018
1:30 PM
Morehouse Parish Library Dunbar Branch
1112 Perry Street
Bastrop, LA
Have you considered self-directing your waiver services, but thought it might be too difficult? Have you wondered how self-direction would benefit your family? Do you know what self-direction really means? If you have any of these, or other questions about self-direction, you have the opportunity to get answers from someone who is directing their own waiver services at a workshop sponsored by the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council.

In these workshops, co-hosted by Families Helping Families, you will hear how one individual or family benefits from self-direction and manages the responsibilities. This opportunity will allow you to get any questions you have answered from a personal level and give you specifics of how one individual or family benefited after switching to self-directed waiver services.

This is a free workshop, but you must RSVP to your regional Families Helping Families Center if you plan to attend.