Actions to Mitigate the State's Impending Fiscal Cliff
Actions to Mitigate the State's Impending Fiscal Cliff
Flags at Half-Staff-Representative Jimmy Long
Louisiana Statewide Independent Living Council
Renewal of State of Emergency- Cybersecurity Incidents
Renewal of State of Emergency- Hurricane Ida
Renewal of State of Emergency- Threat of Subsidence, Subsurface Instability, and Presence of Hydrocarbons in Sulphur Mines Salt Dome Area
Identifying, Quantifying, and Mitigating the Adverse Effects of Illegal Immigration on Louisiana
State of Emergency - Winter Weather - January 12, 2024
Establishment of Unified Command Group and Subcommittees
Office of the First Lady
Veto of Graduation Appeals Process (LAC 28:CXV.717, 2321, and 2322)